What To Expect With The Level Method

what to expect with level method

Level Method Step 1: Assess

The first step is to ASSESS your current ability by going through your initial assessments.

We use an app called ChalkIt Pro to log results and keep track!

The MAP (poster) is not online, it’s printed and hanging in the gym.

This is so all assessments take place in the gym during our five 1:1 assessment sessions before you start in group classes.

Once you complete an assessment of a category, look at the corresponding color on the MAP and log the results in your Level Method app.

Your score will then be validated and your fitness level/ ranking will update.


Level Method Step 2: Address

Then, with your new-found information, we will ADDRESS your weaknesses.

You can simply keep training regularly in CrossFit classes, then do a monthly personal training session to see how you’ve improved & give you more areas to focus on in classes, home training or open gym.

Level Method Step 3: Progress

Finally, PROGRESS!

If you are working on your weaknesses and training you WILL improve, and you’ll level up when you re-assess!

It’s a great time to celebrate your awesome achievements and then get back to working on the next weakness areas.

There will be a lot of areas for improvement for everyone, but by applying your focus to the weak areas highlighted through this system, your overall fitness, performance & results are going to go through the roof, it will be well worth it & we can’t wait to help you every step of the way.

In our next blog we’ll be covering some of the reasons why Level Method is so effective.