We know that you have goals. For many of you, the goal is to get that first strict pull-up. This 14 workout program is sure to help build the pure pulling strength needed to get your chin over the bar for the first time. This program is built for athletes who have very few or no strict pull-ups yet. These 14 workouts should take somewhere between 5-15 minutes and can be done before or after our regular programmed workout. They’re not huge workouts, and they’re not meant to be. This is just a way to get a little extra pulling and bodyweight pushing volume in a few times a week. We would like to see you do these workouts 2-3 times per week and never do them on consecutive days. You may need to repeat the cycle a few times until you build the necessary pulling strength.
Day 1
Ring Row – 3 x Max Effort
Find the toughest angle you can do a ring row at, then take a tiny step backwards to make it slightly less difficult. 90 seconds rest between sets. Aim for 10-12 reps
Jumping Pull-up w/ Negative Lower – 4 x 3 w/ three second decent
Push-Ups – 3 x 10
Day 2
Inverted Barbell Row – 5 x 5
Scale the angle of your body so that a 6th rep of each set is not possible!
Box or Bar Dips – 3 x 10
Day 3
Rope Climb Pull to Stand-4×3
Push-Ups – 3 x 10
Day 4
Ring Row – 5 x 3
Use the most difficult angle you can
One Arm DB or KB Row – 4 x 10 per arm as heavy as possible
Box or Bar Dips – 3 x 10
Day 5
Inverted Barbell Row – 3 x Max Reps – rest 90 seconds between sets (aim for 10-12 reps)
Jumping Pull-up w/ Negative Lower – 4 x 3 w/ three second decent
Push-Ups – 3 x 10
Day 6
Ring Row – 5-5-3-1-1-1-1-1
Use the most difficult angle possible. If you can elevate your feet, add weight on your stomach each round.
Box or Bar Dips – 3 x 10
Day 7
Rope Climb Pull to Stand – 6 x 3
Push-Ups 3 x 10
Day 8
Inverted Barbell Row – 5 x 5
Use the most difficult angle possible. If you can elevate your feet, add weight on your stomach each round.
Box or Bar Dips – 3 x 10
Day 9
Single Arm DB Row – 4 x 8 per arm as heavy as possible
Push-Ups – 3 x 10
Day 10
Ring Row – 5-5-3-1-1-1-1-1
Use the most difficult angle possible. If you can elevate your feet, add weight on your stomach each round.
Box or Bar Dips – 3 x 10
Day 11
Rope Climb Pull to Stand – 7 x 3
Push-Ups – 3 x 10
Day 12
Inverted Barbell Row – 5-5-3-1-1-1-1-1
Use the most difficult angle possible. If you can elevate your feet, add weight on your stomach each round.
Box or Bar Dips – 3 x 10
Day 13
Jumping Pull-up w/ Negative Lower – 5 x 3 w/ three second decent
Single Arm DB or KB Row – 4 x 6 per arm as heavy as possible
Push-Ups – 3 x 10
Day 14
Ring Rows – 5 x 3
Use the most difficult angle possible. If you can elevate your feet, add weight on your stomach each round.
Box or Bar Dips – 3 x 10