joshboyd scaled 1

Athlete Story – Josh

What brought you to Final Call in the first place?

I started my fitness journey long ago as a multi-sport athlete all through school.  I hadn’t really got into the weight room though until 2016.  I had let myself go for a good 13 years and was finally tired of how I felt and looked.

What was your first impression?

I came to Final Call on a whim wanting to try something new.  I had done the gym thing and pushed myself on my own, but hadn’t really progressed.  My first impressions of Final Call were kind of intimidating seeing the classes going on while I was doing foundations.  However, I quickly saw how everyone rallied around the last athletes to help push them through their workout.  It was then that the camaraderie I saw eased my fears. 

What was your first “bright spot”?

My first bright spot was when I realized I needed to put my ego in check.  Overhead squats did it for me when I couldn’t even move with just a pvc bar over my head due to mobility issues.  There’s way more to it than being strong or fast or proficient in a skill.  It’s getting better at all of it, listening to your coaches suggestions, and always striving for more!

What are you working on now?

Now that I’ve been here a couple of years, I’m trying to switch over more to the performance fitness side.  I’m pretty competitive, especially with myself, and I would like to try a competition eventually.

If you could go back in time, what would you tell the Josh of 1 year ago?

If I could go back a year ago, I would tell myself to keep your head up and don’t get frustrated with the things you struggle with.  We all start at different levels but we all come in to improve ourselves.